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Can this new government will be the last hope for kashmiris

There are many struggling factor in the history of Pakistan W.R.T the relation with our neighbor country India is one of them .The apple of discord between us is Kashmir issue .Kashmiris are in constant struggle against Indian army for more than 70 years , it is one of the most struggling and bloody history ,many governments who came and gone took the initiative to raise the concern of Indian brutality in front of UN(United Nations) and other countries but to no avail. May all hopes are not gone ,the new government raise this concern with great might and decisive manner.

PM Imran Khan concern:
Imran Khan after becoming prime minister raise the concern of Kashmir ,in his tweet he said ,

The statement by the prime minister comes a day after Indian occupying forces martyred eight youths in the valley. Soon after the deaths, the authorities suspended internet services and imposed curfew-like restrictions in the district.
Kashmiri leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, in response to PM Khan's tweet, welcomed ,Pakistan's concern, but called for Pakistan to do much more in order to put an end to the appalling grind of repression and human rights abuse that Kashmiris are suffering at the hands of Indian state".

It is time India realised it must move to resolve the Kashmir dispute through dialogue in accordance with the UN SC resolutions & the wishes of the Kashmiri people,” said by prime minister.
On October 11, Indian occupation forces martyred 26 year old Kashmiri freedom fighter Manan Wani and an associate in a fierce gunfight that lasted over 10 hours after Indian occupation forces were tipped off that he was hiding in a residential area, 

Earlier in October, the region’s joint resistance leadership observed a complete shutdown to protest local government polls.
In September, India called off a meeting scheduled to take place in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session between its foreign minister with the Pakistani counterpart.

Ali Amin Khan Gandapur response on this issue:

Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan Ali Amin Khan Gandapur said after becoming minister that the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) government was pursuing a vibrant policy on Kashmir issue and would take all possible steps to highlight the Kashmir cause across the world.

The minister said that PTI has promised the nation to bring change and the same change would also be witnessed during the Black Day on October 27. He said that the day would be marked in a proper manner within Pakistan and abroad to expose Indian forces’ atrocities in Kashmir.

In this regard, He said that all the preparations were finalized to convey a message to the international community that India’s occupation of Kashmir was illegal, unjust and contrary to the Kashmiris aspirations.

The minister said that Pakistani embassies would also arrange special seminars and talk shows, while playing documentaries, regarding the Kashmir issue. He said that peaceful demonstrations would be held in front of Indian high commissions and embassies across the world.

Kartarpur corridor: 

With Pakistan and India making history with groundbreaking Ceremony of Kartarpur Corridor on both sides of international boundary to facilitate the people by giving access to Sikhs of India to Baba Guru Nanak Gurdwara-the founder and spiritual leader of Sikhism. Imran Khan conducted Groundbreaking Ceremony of Kartarpur on 28th November in a huge gathering attended by a delegation from India including Navjot Singh Sidhu.
As an agreement, Pakistan will build a corridor of 4 kilometer up to international boundary and India will build the same from Gurdaspur to international boundary of just 2 kilometers. The Kartarpur Corridor has strategic importance and can go a long way bringing two countries closer to Diplomatic Dialogue since the two countries may turn over a new leaf to build the strong ties and bury the hatchet to spread love and bring peace in the region.
Ever since Indian former cricketer Navjot Singh Sidhu visited Pakistan on the goodwill gesture and bringing in the Message of Peace and Love from India in the Official Invitation from Imran Khan to participate in his oath-taking ceremony, he was warmly welcomed by all including Army Chief General Qamar Jawed Bajwa. Sidhu appeared very optimistic about the growing friendly ties between the two countries and bringing the message of love and peace for the people of Pakistan.
The Army chief General Qamar Jawed had a big hug with Sidhu and offered to open the Kartarpur corridor for the Sikh devotees to visit their founder Baba Guru Nanak Gurdwara by giving visa-free access in order to honour the Guest of Honour, Navjot Singh Sidhu. 
On the other hand, the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan laid the foundation stone on 28th November 2018 in District Narowal attended by COAS Qamar Jawed Bajwa, Navjot Singh Sidhu and other delegates from India. PM offered visa free access to the Holy site of Durbar Kartarpur Sahib in order to facilitate the Sikh community pilgrims. According to Vice President of India, “The Corridor will become a symbol of love and peace between both countries,” Naidu was quoted as saying in Gurdaspur. The immigration and visa processes were very exhausting and complicated given the tough hostile relations of these neighbours having fought two deadly wars and frequent cold war that impeded the peace efforts and suspended the meaningful dialogue to discuss the grave issues of Terrorism and Kashmir dispute as per the wishes of Kashmiri people through a plebiscite. To display the friendly gesture and using his old cricket fellows of India to bridge the gap and reconnect to Pakistan’s intentions to reinitiate the dialogue process, PM Imran Khan invited Navjot Singh Sidhu to attend his oath-taking ceremony.
Pakistan Government welcomed the move and announced groundbreaking ceremony on November 28th and invited Indian Minister for External Affairs Sushma Swaraj, Indian Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu besides 17 Indian journalists to Kartarpur Corridor.
Sushma Swaraj and Chief Minister Punjab Amarinder Singh apologized to come due to some commitments, whereas of few Indian ministers, journalists and Navjot Sidhu were the part of Indian delegation came to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony. They termed the development as historic since it would spread the message of love for both countries.
As per the plan, the Indian government will construct and develop the Kartarpur Corridor from Dera Baba Nanak in Indian Punjab’s Gurdaspur district to the border, while Pakistan will build the other part of the corridor connecting the border to the Gurdwara in the Kartarpur Sahib area of Narowal district as per the official statement of both countries. The Kartarpur Corridor may open vistas of opportunities between the two countries and they may take the bilateral trade relations to next level if the same corridor is used for trade besides the purpose of Sikh pilgrims.
War would be disastrous for both nuclear capacious neighbours and will bring misery by plunging the countries into an economic crisis that will never be fruitful for these countries and for South Asia as whole.
Pakistan may offer the CPEC partnership if positive and meaningful dialogue process restarts since we have to forward by burying our past differences as quoted by PM Imran Khan during the groundbreaking ceremony regarding the two European powers France and Germany by saying that if these two can engage in an alliance then why not Pakistan and India since animosity and wars cannot stand longer if people start pushing their Governments to maintain peace and live like peaceful neighbours.

kulbhushan issue:

PTI government has effective strategy against India to escalate the issue of Indian  spy kulbhushan to gain support from other counties and keep India on back foot .so that Pakistan can make his stance on Kashmir become strong.
Qureshi said that the government would try to effectively present Pakistan’s point of view in the Kubushan case in the International Court of Justice. I hope we will get justice, he said.
Jadhav an Indian spy, was captured in Balochistan in March 2016. He confessed before a magistrate that he was tasked by RAW to plan, coordinate and organise espionage/sabotage activities aiming to destabilize and wage war against Pakistan by impeding the efforts of law enforcement agencies for restoring peace in Baluchistan and Karachi.

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