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The cosmic wonders of stars and galaxies that surround universe


The beautiful and abundant universe that surround us has no end .The vast amount of discoveries that have been done in last centuries, few of them that i want you to read  are different types of objects  from relatively nearby exploded stars to extremely distant and massive clusters of galaxies that emit X-rays detected by different telescopes. 


This supernova(A supernova is an event that occurs upon the death of certain types of stars) remnant was produced by a massive star that exploded in a nearby galaxy called the Small Magellanic Cloud(is a dwarf galaxy near the Milky Way. Classified as a dwarf irregular galaxy). X-rays from different telescopes have helped astronomers confirm that most of the oxygen in the universe is synthesized(combine smaller thing in a whole) in massive stars.  The amount of oxygen in the E0102-72.3 ring shown here is enough for thousands of solar systems. The image given below  contains  data from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope  .

Abell 370:

Located about 4 billion light-years from Earth, Abell 370 is a galaxy cluster containing several hundred galaxies. Galaxy clusters are the largest objects in the universe held together by gravity.  In addition to individual galaxies, clusters contain vast amounts of multimillion degree gas that emits X-rays, and dark matter that supplies most of the gravity of the cluster, yet does not produce any light. Chandra(is a telescope) reveals the hot gas (diffuse blue regions) in a combined image with optical data from Hubble (red, green, and blue).

Messier 8:

Also known as  the Lagoon Nebula.The Lagoon Nebula was discovered by Giovanni Hodierna near 1654, Messier 8 is a giant cloud of gas and dust where stars are being born. At a distance of about 4,000 light years from Earth, Messier 8 provides astronomers an excellent opportunity to study the properties of new born stars. Many new born  stars give off copious amounts of high-energy light including X-rays, which are seen in telescope. The optical image of Lagoon Nebula is given below,

Orion Nebula: 

Look is situated in Milky Way below the middle of the three stars of belt in the constellation Orion to find the Orion Nebula ,it is visible to naked eye , it appears as a small blurry dot. With a powerful telescope , however, the view is much different. In this image, X-rays from Chandra (blue) reveal individual new stars, which are hot and energetic. The image below the brightest star represent orion nebula.

Messier 33:

The Triangulum Galaxy, Messier 33, is a spiral galaxy about 3 million light-years from Earth. It belongs to the Local Group of galaxies that includes the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies,you can see with naked eye if you try . The X ray data (pink) reveal neutron stars and black holes that are pulling material from a companion star, it is seems like a whirlpool which attracting other stars given in below picture.

Abell 2744: 

This beautifull image contains the aftermath of a giant collision involving four separate galaxy clusters at a distance of about 3.5 billion light-years. Officially known as Abell 2744, this system is also called “Pandora’s Cluster” because of the different structures found within it. This view of Abell 2744 contains X-ray data  showing hot gases, The galaxies in the cluster make up less than five percent of its mass.The gas (around 20 percent) is so hot that it shines only in X-rays. Dark matter makes up around 75 percent of the cluster's mass

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